Like Geochemistry, Hydrogeology, Mining, Public Policy, Training, Water Quality

CLIENT : Oxfam America / Mineral Policy Center / Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia.

TASK : Review of mining, water and environmental issues.

DATE : 2001 - 2005

Independent review of mining water and environmental issues. Includes numerous public presentations to citizens and governmental groups, including members of the Peruvian Congress.

Project Documentation and Supporting Articles

Moran, R. E., 2001, An Alternative Look at Proposed Mining in Tambogrande, Peru: report prepared for Oxfam America, Mineral Policy Center, and the Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia.

Moran, R.E., 2001, Una Mirada Alternativa a la Propuesta de Minería en Tambogrande, Perú: Informe encargado por: Oxfam America, Mineral Policy Center, Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia

Moran, Robert E., 2003, EIA de Tambogrande — ¿Estudios Técnicos o Publicidad?[Tambogrande EIA—Technical Studies or an Advertisement?] Originally presented to NGOs and part of the Peruvian Congress, Lima. Prepared for Asociacion Civil Labor, the Mesa Tecnica de Lima, and Oxfam America.