
(Publicly available, non-proprietary reports)

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Moran, R.E. and D.A. Wentz, 1974. Effects of metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected areas of Colorado, 1972-1973. Colorado Water Conservation Board. Water Resources Circular No. 25, 250 pp.

Moran, R.E., 1976. Geochemistry of Selenium in Groundwater near Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America. 1976 Annual Meeting. November 8-11, 1976. 8(6):1018.

Straskraba, V. and R.E. Moran, 1990. Environmental Occurrence and Impacts of Arsenic at Gold Mining Sites in the Western United States: Proceedings, International Symposium on Acid Mine Water in Pyritic Environments, Lisbon, Portugal. September 16-19, 1990; in Mine Water and the Environment, Volume 9, Numbers 1-4 / March, 1990, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

Moran, R.E. and S. Mernitz. “Acid Mine Drainage and Political Conflicts in the Third Party EIS: Water Resources at Risk.” Amer. Instit. of Hydrology, editors Hotchkiss, W.R. et. al., p. RA-36, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1995.

Moran, Robert E., 1997, Is This Scenario To Your Liking?---Water Quality Predictions In Mining Impact Studies: Abstract, Geological Soc. of Amer. Annual Mtg.,(Symposium on Predictive Modeling in the Earth Sciences: Application and Misapplication to Environmental Problems), Salt Lake City, UT, Oct.20-23, 1997.

Moran, Robert E., 1998, Cyanide Uncertainties—Observations on the Chemistry, Toxicity, and Analysis of Cyanide in Mining-Related Waters: Mineral Policy Center Issue Paper No.1, 16 pg., Wash., D.C.

Moran, Robert E., 2000, Cyanide in Mining: Some Observations on the Chemistry, Toxicity and Analysis of Mining-Related Waters: in Proc. Central Asia Ecology—99, Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, June,1999.

Moran, Robert E., 2000, El Cianuro en La Minería: Algunas Observaciones Sobre La Química, Toxicidad y Análisis De Las Aguas Asociadas con La Minería: in Proc. Central Asia Ecology—99, Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, June,1999.

Moran, Robert E., 2000, Is This Number To Your Liking? Water Quality Predictions in Mining Impact Studies, p. 185-198, in Prediction: Science, Decision Making and the Future of Nature. D. Sarewitz, R. Pielke, Jr., and R. Byerly, Jr., eds., Island Press, Washington, D.C., 405 pg.

Moran, R. E., 2000, Mining Environmental Impacts---Integrating an Economic Perspective (DRAFT): Centro De Investigacion Y Planificacion Del Medio Ambiente, Santiago, Chile: Internet Forum on Export Markets and the Environment

Moran, R.E., 2001, More Cyanide Uncertainties: Lessons from the Baia Mare, Romania, Spill---Water Quality and Politics. Mineral Policy Center Issue Paper No. 3, Wash. D.C., 15 pgs.

Moran, R.E., 2001, Más Incertidumbres Asociadas con el Cianuro, Mineral Policy Center Issue Paper No. 3, Wash. D.C., 15 pgs.

Moran, R.E., 2001, Aproximaciones al Costo Económico de Impactos Ambientales en la Minería. Algunos ejemplos en Estados Unidos y Canadá: Ambiente y Desarrollo. Vol. XVII, Nº1, March 2001, CIPMA, Santiago, Chile, pg.59-66

Moran, R. E., 2001, An Alternative Look at Proposed Mining in Tambogrande, Peru: report prepared for Oxfam America, Mineral Policy Center, and the Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia

Moran, R.E., 2001, Una Mirada Alternativa a la Propuesta de Minería en Tambogrande, Perú: Informe encargado por: Oxfam America, Mineral Policy Center, Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia

Moran, Robert, 2001(April 18), Citizens Say No to a Gold Mine in Greece: MPC Site Report from Olympias, Greece; Mineral Policy Center, Wash., D.C., 7pgs.

Moran, Robert, 2001, Mining Environmental Impacts. Integrating an Economic Perspective, pg. 67—77, in Towards the Integration of Environmental, Economic and Trade Aspects in the Mining Sector; Editors: Nicola Borregaard and Claudia Gana, published by Centro de Investigación y Planificación del Medio Ambiente (CIPMA), Santiago, Chile, 257p

Moran, Robert E., 2002, De-coding Cyanide. A Submission to the European Union and the United Nations Environment Programme: Sponsored by Hellenic Mining Watch, Ecotopia, CEE Bankwatch, FOE Europe, FOE Hungary, FOE Czech Republic, Food First Information and Action Network, Minewatch UK, and Mineral Policy Center, 25 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2002, Decodificando el Cianuro. Una Entrega de la Unión Europea y del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente: Sponsored by Hellenic Mining Watch, Ecotopia, CEE Bankwatch, FOE Europe, FOE Hungary, FOE Czech Republic, Food First Information and Action Network, Minewatch UK, and Mineral Policy Center, 25 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2002, What's the big secret? Observations and Comments on San Andrés Mine and Mining Regulation in Honduras. Report prepared for the Development Commission own the Department of Copán and the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras.

Moran, Robert E., 2002, ¿Cual es el Gran Secreto? Observations and Comments on San Andrés Mine and Mining Regulation in Honduras. Report prepared for the Development Commission own the Department of Copán and the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras.

Moran, Robert E., 2002, The Quellaveco Mine: Free Water for Mining in Peru's Driest Desert? Report prepared for the Asociacion Civil "Labor", Lima, with funds from Oxfam America, Friends of the Earth International / Global Green Giants

Moran, Robert E., 2002, Quellaveco: ¿Agua libre de costo para la minería en el desierto más seco del Perú?

Moran, Robert E., 2003, Hydrogeologic and Water Quality Predictive Models as Political Rather Than Technical Tools. Geological Soc. of Amer. Annual Mtg., (Session on Mathematical Modeling of Earth Surface Processes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Nov.2-5, 2003, Seattle, WA). GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 35, No.6, (Sept. 2003).

Moran, Robert E., 2003, Esquel, Argentina: Predictions and Promises of a Flawed EIA. Prepared for Greenpeace Argentina and the Mineral Policy Center.

Moran, Robert E., 2003, Esquel, Argentina: Predicciones y promesas de un estudio de impacto ambiental defectuoso. Prepared for Greenpeace Argentina and the Mineral Policy Center.

Moran, Robert E., 2003, E.I.A. de Tambogrande ¿Estudios Técnicos o Publicidad? Originally presented to NGOs and part of the Peruvian Congress, Lima. Prepared for Asociacion Civil Labor, the Mesa Tecnica de Lima, and Oxfam America. Available in both English and Spanish.

Oxfam America, Foundation for the Development of the Sahel, and Robert Moran, 2004 (February), Tarnished Legacy: A Social and Environmental Analysis of Mali’s Syama Gold Mine: Oxfam America, Washington, D.C.

Moran, Robert E., 2005 (February), New Country, Same Story: Review of the Glamis Gold Marlin Project EIA, Guatemala. Prepared for Colectivo Madre Selva, Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Moran, Robert E., 2005, (February), Nuevo País, la Misma Historia: Revisión del EIA del Proyecto Glamis Gold Marlin, Guatemala. Prepared for Colectivo Madre Selva, Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Moran, Robert E., 2005, CAO Marlin Mine Assessment: Technical Responses

Moran, Robert E., 2005, Technical Review of the El Dorado Mine Project Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), El Salvador; prepared for Asociacion de Desarrollo Social Santa Marta (ADES), El Salvador.

Moran, Robert E., 2005, Revisión Técnica del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) del Proyecto Minero El Dorado, El Salvador; prepared for Asociacion de Desarrollo Social Santa Marta (ADES), El Salvador.

Moran, Robert E., 2006, Assessment of the Rosia Montana EIA Report, Romania: Prepared for Alburnus Maior; funded by Staples Trust, U.K. and Open Society Foundation, Romania.

Moran, Robert E., 2006, Executive Summary: Assessment of the Rosia Montana EIA Report, Romania- Prepared for Alburnus Maior, Romania; funded by Staples Trust, U.K. and Open Society Foundation, Romania.

Moran, Robert E., 2006, Executive Summary - Romanian: Assessment of the Rosia Montana EIA Report, Romania; Prepared for Alburnus Maior, Romania; funded by Staples Trust, U.K. and Open Society Foundation, Romania.

Moran, Robert E., 2007, Rulison Oil & Gas, Nuclear Testing and Other Environmental Issues. Presented to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission; original version prepared 4-19-07 (Revised 7-24-07); 10pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2007 (September), Pebble Hydrogeology and Geochemistry Issues; submitted to Renewable Resource Coalition, Anchorage, Alaska.

Moran, Robert E., 2008, Pebble Mine (AK): Technical Background; prepared for Renewable Resource Coalition; 2 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2008, Pebble Mine (AK): Water-Related Impacts; prepared for Renewable Resource Coalition; 2 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2008, Mining Submarine Tailing Disposal (STD) - Summary Concepts: Scientific Group on the London Protocol, 2nd Meeting 19 – 23 May 2008.

Moran, Robert, E. Reichelt-Brushett, Roy Young, 2009, Out of Sight, Out of Mine: Ocean Dumping of Mine Wastes. World Watch, March / April 2009, pg. 30-34.

Moran, Robert and IKV Pax Christi, 2009 (May 12), Report on the AGA Mining Project in Cajamarca, Colombia; prepared for IKV Pax Christi, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Moran, Robert and IKV Pax Christi, 2009 (May 12), Informe de Pax Christi sobre el proyecto minero de AGA en Cajamarca

Moran, Robert E. 2009, Mining Water: The San Cristobal Mine, Bolivia. Performed for: CGlAB (Comisión de Gestión Integral de Aguas de Bolivia, Commission for the Integrated Management of Bolivian Waters) and FRUTCAS (Federación Regional Única de los Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud-- Regional Farmers Federation of the Southern Altiplano). Funded by the Municipality of Colcha K (Potosí, Bolivia), CESU (Centro de Estudios de la Universidad de San Simón, Cochabamba), and Global Green Grants Fund, U.S.A.

Moran, Robert E. 2009, Minando El Agua: La Mina San Cristóbal, Bolivia. Performed for: CGlAB (Comisión de Gestión Integral de Aguas de Bolivia, Commission for the Integrated Management of Bolivian Waters) and FRUTCAS (Federación Regional Única de los Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud-- Regional Farmers Federation of the Southern Altiplano). Funded by the Municipality of Colcha K (Potosí, Bolivia), CESU (Centro de Estudios de la Universidad de San Simón, Cochabamba), and Global Green Grants Fund, U.S.A.

Moran, Robert E., 2010, Weda Bay Nickel Review Report (Weda Bay, Indonesia). Prepared for the Bank Information Center and EARTHWORKS, Washington, D.C., 23 p.

Moran, Robert E., 2010, Declaration to NRC, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, regarding the Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery Facility; Docket No. 40- 9075-MLA; 32 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2011, Thompson Divide Baseline Water Quality Report; prepared for the Thompson Divide Coalition, Aspen, CO.

Moran, Robert E., 2011, Ada Tepe Gold Deposit EIS, Krumovgrad, Bulgaria: Technical Comments: prepared for Environmental Association Za Zemiata (Sofia), and the EJOLT project - "Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade" using funds from the European Union; 22 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2011, Site-Specific Assessment of the Proposed Uranium Mining and Milling Project at Coles Hill, Pittsylvania County, VA. Prepared for the Roanoke River Basin Association, VA.

Moran, Robert E., 2011, Kumtor Gold Facilities, Kyrgyzstan: Comments on Water, Environmental and Related Issues: September 2011. Prepared for Human Development Center "Tree of Life" (Bishkek) and Bankwatch (Kiev) and the Kyrgyz government.

Moran, Robert, 2012, Clean Water—The Price of Gold? Resource Development and Global Competition for Water; in “ Last Call at the Oasis”, pg. 47-65, Edited by Karl Weber, Public Affairs Press, New York, 250 pg.

Chambers, Dave, Moran, Robert and Trasky, Lance, 2012, Bristol Bay’s Wild Salmon Ecosystems and the Pebble Mine: Key Considerations for a Large-Scale Mine Proposal: produced in partnership with the Wild Salmon Center and Trout Unlimited.

Moran, Robert E., 2012 (March), The Conga Mine, Peru: Comments on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Related Issues. El Proyecto Minero Conga, Perú: Comentarios al Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) y Temas Relacionados. Prepared for Environmental Defender Law Center (U.S.A).

Moran, Robert E., 2012 (March), El Proyecto Minero Conga, Perú: Comentarios al Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) y Temas Relacionados. Prepared for Environmental Defender Law Center (U.S.A).

Moran, Robert, 2012, Large-scale Gold Mining: National Natural Resources Treated as Private Assets with Public Environmental Impacts. Int’l. Soc. of Ecological Economics; June, 2012; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Abstract).

Greenpeace Argentina and Robert Moran, 2013 (Sept.), Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre Minería, Greenpeace Argentina, Buenos Aires, 18p.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (Mar. 17), Second Supplemental Declaration of Dr. Robert E. Moran Before the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding the Dewey- Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery Facility; Docket No. 40-9075-MLA; ASLBP No. 10- 898-02-MLA-BD01, 32 pg.

Fierro Morales, Julio (Compilador), Contraloría General de la República, Colombia and Robert Moran, 2014 (April), Análisis intersectorial sobre la minería de carbón en el departamento del Cesar; Un enfoque desde la perspectiva del riesgo; p. 43—161 in Minería en Colombia: Control público, memoria y justicia socio-ecológica, movimientos sociales y posconflicto; Vol. 4, Ch. 1, 494 pgs.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (May 22), Progreso VII Mine EIA, Guatemala: Summary Comments Regarding Water Resources, 6pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (May 22), Progreso VII Mine E.I.A, Resumen de comentarios respecto de los recursos hídricos presentados en el Estudio de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) del proyecto minero prgoreso VII Derivada; 6pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (June 20), Opening Written Testimony Before the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding the Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery Facility; Docket No. 40-9075-MLA; ASLBP No. 10-898-02-MLA-BD01, 51 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (June 23), Witness Statement, Pac Rim Cayman LLC v. The Republic of El Salvador; International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes, World Bank; ICSID Case No. ARB/09/12, 11 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2014 (July 15), Written Rebuttal Testimony Before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Re: Powertech USA, Inc. Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery; Docket No. 40-9075-MLA, ASLBP No. 10- 898-02-MLA-BD01, 8 p.

Moran, Robert E. and Chad Rudow (Roaring Fork Conservancy), 2014 (Aug.), Thompson Divide Supplemental Water Quality Study 2013; prepared for Thompson Divide Coalition; 45 pg.

Moran, Robert E., 2015, Deep-Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP): Unknowns, Secrets & Differing Perceptions: A Non-Industry Perspective, Abstract. GESAMP-IMO Workshop on the Impacts of Mine Tailings in the Marine Environment, 10-12 June 2015, Lima, Peru.

Moran, Robert E. and Contraloría General de Colombia, 2015 (Sept.), Water and Environmental Audit at Three Coal Mines in Cesar, Colombia: Carbones de la Jagua (CDJ), Norcarbón, and Pribbenow (June and November, 2013).

Moran, Robert E. and Contraloría General de Colombia, 2015 (Sept.), Auditoría de Aguas y Ambiental en Tres Minas de Carbón en el Cesar, Colombia: Carbones de la Jagua (CDJ), Norcarbón y Pribbenow (Junio y Noviembre de 2013).

Moran, Robert E., 2016, Veladero Mine Lixiviant Spill, Argentina: Replies to Federal Judge Casanello Regarding His Questions and Related Comments; 24 pgs. Presented to Federal Judge Casanello and the Argentine Senate.

Moran, Robert E., 2017 (April), Summary: Flambeau Mine: Water Contamination and Selective “Alternative Facts”; 4pg. Prepared for Sierra Club Wisconsin; Wisconsin Resources Protection Council; Deer Tail Press.

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